Here are some powerful questions (that I’m personally working on myself as I write this) worth taking time to reflect over. Either write down your answers, draw and/or, make a vision board. Whatever works for you to put your message out into the universe about what you desire and wish for.
Muy importante #1: Tap into your heart and gut - not the head.
Muy importante #2: Don’t limit yourself - DARE TO DREAM BIG! Don’t think about the how and when and all the things the mind want to know. Think of it from this perspective “if there were no obstacles or limitations (which there aren’t!) in this world - what would I wish for?
If you have time and want to make this New Years ritual extra special why not have a bath/hot shower before, dress up in your favourite dress/pyjama/feel-good-outfit and light some candles!
Ok, here we go!
What are 3-5 qualities you want to invite into the new year? How do you want to feel? (f.ex. freedom, love, independence….)
What will be your mantra? (make sure to say in present format f.ex. I AM ENOUGH) Something that you can come back to throughout the year.
What are some things you want to experience/create/do in in the new year? (remember - don’t limit yourself!)
Who will you be as a person?
How will you take care of yourself in the new year?
Who are you and where will you be one year from now?
TIP! I highly recommend that you share your answers, whether spoken or by showing and explaining your vision board - with another person. To say out loud what we wish for and desire has power too it - so much more than only writing them down for ourselves.
Enjoy my love!