Some say new years resolutions are cheesy.

I don’t agree.

I personally think the turning of the New Year, the more inward drawing energy of winter (especially if you’re in the northern hemisphere) makes it an excellent time for self-reflection, journaling and setting new intentions.

Writing things down’s a good start - sharing it out loud even more powerful.

So if you can, find someone to share your answers to the questions below with. It’s a really beautiful thing to do and it might even become a ritual you do together year after year (I do that with some of my best friends!).

If you have time and space make the atmosphere a little extra nice for this ritual. You might light some candles and incense, buy a bouquet of fresh flowers and have some soft music on.

If you don’t have much time though, simply do it over breakfast with a cup of coffee!

I’ve added a few questions to this journaling ritual since I wrote about it a couple of years ago (another blog post) but if you find the list too long just pick a few questions you really like.

Better a few than none!

Below the journaling prompt there’s another thing you can do to add more depth to your ritual.

We did this at our New Years Retreat in Portugal last month - powerful stuff!

Why not go all in? :)


  1. How do you want to feel this year? Write down 3-5 qualities/feelings you want to invite into the new year. Some examples are freedom, love, independence, courage…

  2. What will be your mantra/phrase for the year? Something that you can come back to throughout the year. Remember to write it in present format f.ex. I AM STRONG, I AM CAPABLE, I AM BEAUTIFUL etc.

  3. What do you want to experience/create in the new year? Remember to NOT limit yourself. Be bold and dare to write things down that even give you a bit of goosebumps!

  4. What changes do you want to make in your life and how and when do you plan to do them?

  5. Who do you want to spend time with? What relationships do you want to strengthen?

  6. How will you take care of yourself and your health (physical, mental an emotional) this year? What routines will you have?

  7. What would you like to learn this year? Surfing, pottery, gardening, tango.. ?

  8. What gift would you like to give yourself this year?

  9. What brings you the most joy and how are you going to do more of that?

  10. Who are you and where will you be one year from now?

How did it go?

Wanna share some of your answers?

Feel free to drop some in the comments below or even drop me an email! It’s extra powerful to share these things!

Now here’s the next part!

Write a NEW YEARS LETTER to your future self.

YES, I know it sounds a bit crazy but it’s a really beautiful thing to do!

What you’ll do is take a piece of paper and an envelope. On the cover of the envelope you’ll write your name and “to be opened on the 31st of December XXXX”.

You’ll start the letter with “Dear YOUR NAME” (in my case Dear Lisa”).

From here on you’ll write a letter to future self, as if this year’s already passed by. As if things have already happened.

Use your answers to the journaling questions and also add more. Remember DON’T LIMIT YOURSELF!

For example:

“Dear Lisa,

This year you really kept your mantra of (fill in your mantra), you really took care of yourself by doing (fill in the blank), you created (fill in in the blank) which you’d dreamed of for so long..etc.”

Once you’re finished with your letter you’ll sign it with something like “Much love, (YOUR NAME) + the date

Seal your envelope and put it somewhere you’ll remember where to find it.

Can’t wait to hear how this letter writing went for you!

Please share! <3

Sending you much love from a white Sweden and I wish you the most beautiful new fresh year ahead!

Take care!



